Vault Hunter is a 2D dungeon crawler built by me in GameMaker: Studio 2. It’s still a heavy work in progress and there’s no planned release date for it yet.
My first Vault Hunter concepts go back a few years and is based on an idea I had for a study assignment. Since then I learned a lot of things, which means I revisited its codebase many times to change things around or test new things that I learned. After all this growth I decided to buckle down and write down a Game Design Document first with at least all core mechanics and general planning on the rails. I’ve also asked a writer friend of mine, Jesse van Willigenburg, who is also a fellow member of Skilltree Entertainment and its lead writer, to help me out with a story for the game and help me visualize what I want to achieve.
This game is currently on hold since I am working hard on a project with a higher priority. This page will be updated once I know more.