
Who Am I?

Welcome to Robronic Games! I’m Robert Broer, a Dutch game programmer, visual artist, developer and asset publisher. I have been actively creating games for over a decade and I’m always looking for the next challenge. I am currently a student following the study HBO-ICT Game Development at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

My early years of game development began with Game Maker classic and I have since stuck with Unity for most of my games. These days, I have created games and applications with many other tools and languages as well. Unity in C#, Java, Python, C++ with Irrlicht and GML (Game Maker Language). I also have experience with Virtual Reality and I built a VR experience together with a group of students for De Oude Kerk (The Old Church) in Amsterdam:

Aside from games and experiences, I have also published assets to the Unity Asset Store for fellow game developers trying to build games. These assets were oriented towards 2D open world generation and lighting:

I also participate yearly in the Global Game Jam since 2018, trying to build a game from scratch within 48 hours which is a lot of fun of course. In my spare time I challenge myself to learn new techniques with small projects, for example understanding ray tracing:

If you need to reach me, you can contact me here!