After building up this website and converting fast food into games and assets, I’m proud of what I’ve achieved with Robronic Games so far. Hard work tends to pay off a lot and it wasn’t long before I received a new and exciting opportunity. The artist of Turmoil, a game by Gamious where I had an internship almost 2 years ago, was looking for a Unity programmer for a new game project. The best part is that I got referred to by Gamious. Another surprising fact is that my initial supervisor back at Gamious knows this artist since kindergarten. It’s a small world.

This new game project is being developed by Studio Nul, a creative agency primarily focused on visual design, film and creative artworks. Although not directly a game studio, they want to expand their creative horizon. That’s where I come in. My task is to not only program the game but also guide its development process, since I’m the only one with game development experience.

So what does this mean for Robronic Games? I won’t have as much time to work on my own projects. I am considering setting contact times so people know when I can respond for asset support as well. I’m obviously going to continue doing what I love with Robronic Games, just at a somewhat slower pace. Income is important!